"After speaking with Dr. Fonseca and learning more about the ministry, I am pleased to join Archbishop Bernard Hebda (Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN) and Bishop Steve Raica (Gaylord, MI) in offering my personal endorsement of God's Embrace Ministries. Like them, I too, have seen similar fruits here in the Diocese of Victoria. We are blessed to have at our disposal a program such as this, and I am certain that many will be led to the fullness of our faith and the reality of God's unconditional love for them through God's Embrace."
Most Rev. Brendan Cahill
Bishop of Victoria TX
"I was compelled by a few parishioners to simply visit one of Michael's classes. I attended one Tuesday evening and within minutes of listening to his presentation was struck by Michael's gift for making the great spiritual treasure of the Church accessible to 21st Century Christians. I also knew in my heart that God wanted me to experience the God's Embrace Program to deepen and enrich my relationship with the Holy Trinity."
Rev. Fr. Wayne Flagg
Pastor: St. Andrew Catholic Church, Hillje and St. Procopius Catholic Church, Louise
"Having experienced first-hand the abundant fruits that the Holy Spiritbrought to the Deacons, Deacon Candidates and Laity of the Diocese of Gaylord through the various programs of Christian formation led by Dr. Michael Fonseca, I was thrilled to discover that the program is now being made available to a wider audience. The material reflects Dr. Fonseca's extensive practical experience in initiating students into the interior life, introducing them to the treasures of our Catholic spiritual tradition and providing guidance and motivation for a sustained journey of faith. I am confident that these resources, firmly rooted in Sacred Scriptures and shaped by the insights of Ignatian spirituality, would be a helpful tool for any desiring to respond to Pope Francis' call to be "Missionary disciples" enlivened by the "joy of the Gospel."'
Most Rev. Bernard A. Hebda
Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis.